Tuesday, November 5, 2013

CRNF In Action: CEO speaks with Fitzroy John, Comptroller, Customs & Excise Division about issues returning nationals experience

While attending the Mastering Export Logistics Workshops at the exporTT conference, Ms. Arlene Graham spoke with Fitzroy John, Comptroller, Customs & Excise Division.  Ms. Graham introduced CRNF to Mr. John (who was unaware of the organization’s existence) and informed him about the issues Returning Nationals face when trying to transition back to Trinidad & Tobago.  Mr. John was very receptive to these concerns and said that the Customs & Excise Division has revamped their website in order to better assist individuals with the transitioning process.  He also encouraged Ms. Graham and the CRNF network to go to the Customs & Excise Division website and provide feedback to him directly if there are any items CRNF or its members would like to see added to the site. CRNF thanks Mr. John for taking the time to listen to the people’s concerns and for diligently working towards a solution.

Feedback can be sent to: info@caribbeanreturningnationals.org

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