Tuesday, November 5, 2013

CRNF was selected by the University of Florida, Caribbean Students Association to be their philanthropy recipient

CRNF was selected by the University of Florida, Caribbean Students Association (UF CaribSA) to be the philanthropy recipient of their 2014 Fashion Talent Show on January 11, 2014 in Gainesville, Florida. FTS is an annual show that displays the Caribbean culture through music, fashion, and dance. It is a tradition for FTS to choose an organization/cause in which they raise money for. This year Caribbean Returning Nationals® Foundation, Inc. was chosen because UF CaribSA believes that our organization gives back to our homeland in a number of ways and they would love to support such a great cause. UF CaribSA has a number of fundraisers planned where they will raise money for both the show and the Caribbean Returning Nationals® Foundation.

The 11th Annual Fashion Talent Show will be on January 11, 2014, doors will open at 6 p.m. and the show will start at 7 p.m. Approximately, 1000 students throughout the Florida area support this event each year. Click the link below for additional information.


We are thankful to be chosen! Thank You University of Florida, Caribbean Students Association

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